SICP lec1a: # Lisp overview

ReZero lol

origin link sicp 1

Black box(module)

(* x (+ a b)) First scene: Every parentheses is a container called black box, we can take a and b as to varible, like number, electric signal, whatever, we add them, then mul or expand them x times.


primitive elements + : operator 17.4 : number means of combination (+ 3 17.4 5) means of abstration It’s a tree, but we write it as a plain text formation.



(define a (* 5 5))
// the above a will be like 5 * 5(expression could be varible)


(define (square x) (* x x))
(square (square (square 5)))


(define square
        (lambda (x) (* x x))

this seems like every define is a process.


(if (< x 100) (display "lower than 100"))

Recursive defination (Heron square root)

Hreon : get the square root of x

  1. make a guess

  2. improve guess by get the average of guess and x/guess

  3. good-enough? done : improve guess

tips: good-enough? how close between x/guess (< abs (- (square guess) x) .001)

Analyze as a tree: (root 2) (try 1 2) (try (improve 1 2) 2) (try 1.5 2)


Important note:

(define a (* 5 5))
(define (d) (* 5 5))


a -> 25
d -> d procedure
(d) -> 25
(a) -> error

Computing process



kinds of expressions

number symbols

lambda definations conditionals



if (define (+ x u) (if (= x 0) y (+ (-1 x) (1 y)) ) )


(define (fib n)
    (if (< n 2)
        (+  (fib (- n 1))
            (fib (- n 1))

tips: 1+ function means add args 1 and return

Hanoi Tower

(define (dohanoi n to from using)
  (if (> n 0)
        (dohanoi (- n 1) using from to)
        (display "move ")
        (display from)
        (display " --> ")
        (display to)
        (dohanoi (- n 1) to using from)

(define (hanoi n)
    (dohanoi n 3 1 2))
  • Post title:SICP lec1a: # Lisp overview
  • Post author:ReZero
  • Create time:2017-12-03 15:31:05
  • Post link:
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